In the 21st century technologically driven world where all travelling at the speed of light, but imagine a state when all this progress on electrical circuitry comes to an irreversible standstill...This is what an EMP attack is capable of inflicting. EMP or Electro Magnetic Pulse attacking dervice is a weapon designed to detonate high above the earth's atmosphere, releasing huge amount of energy some of which is in the form of gamma rays, rays with million volts of energy. These rays collide with the atmosphere hitting the oxygen and hydrogen molecules and knocking off electrons to create high voltage electric current in space. This current move down to the earth, surface with an intense power and fractures the electrical circuits sending the heavily wired world into darkness, with no harm to people - they will not even feel a thing. With an EMP attack, everything with micro electronics in it would stop, power grids would collapse, generators would go useless, cars would not run, electronics will go dead and in seconds after the explosion, the EMP attack will cripple the military and would send the area of impact into utter darkness - that will take you 200 years back.
Now, apart from the above aerial threat for which advanced technology is requried, anti-social elements could use a less expensive, high tech weapon to create almost the same destructive power with an improvised explosively charged Flux Compression Generator (FCG). An assembled Flux Compression Generator and associated viractor can generate an explosive device having a power of nearly that of a nuclear explosion. Imagine this weapon is carried inside the dicky of a standard car and detonated it to explode. At a strategic location and how much damage it could cause to the community living near by. How much is the devastating effect if it is exploded in an area surrounded by the modern IT hubs like Bangalore, telecommuniocation centres, strategic defence areas, airports, parliament/legislative assembly buildings, police head quarters, hospitals and all other places where the modern electronic chips and transistors based equipments are used. This will result in the destruction of all electronic/electrical devices, electronic data, medical instruments etc....
During late 1970's Russians developed Flux Compression Generators in a compact manner so that it could be connected to a veractor having 10
14 Joules energy released in a very short duration to the tune of 0.01 milli second. This system was further made into a very compact system by Los Amos Laboratory, USA. Thus making into a compact deliverable weapon with very limited space required. Now the whole process and making technic are available with several non state actors and rogue nations. We at Associated Chemicals, represented by M.K Jayakrishnan can develop these systems strictly under the control of the Govt organisations, keeping in line with international regulations as governed. The details of the system could be given by request of the concerned authorities.
We at associated chemicals have a beautiful combination of outsourcing (to reduce cost) and able guidance of physics/chemistry by us, has achieved the ultimate commercial viability of single crystal thin films of LGT(Europium, Terbium Doped Lanthanum Gallium Tantalate). The standard raw materials of oxides/nitrates of Single Crystal Thin Layer Europium Terbium Lanthanum Gallium Tantalum is zone refined to get + 99.99% purity. The oxides/nitrates are then mixed and fired at sufficient temperature to get the desired doped material. The doped oxides are then developed into very thin single crystal of LGT(Europium, Terbium Doped Lanthanum Gallium Tantalate) in large planks, with alkoxides as precursors. The product is cut and the arranged in the shape desired to fit into the structure where emp protection is desired.

Now we have corne up with a unique protective system to safe guard our legislative assembly, important buildings and data (like collectorates, police head quarters, ministries, etc...), Our protective system is so simple and user friendly and very very cost effective. Such a system is never introduced anywhere in India and we shall be glad to offer a very very attractive package to implement our protective system in India. Our system will also protect these areas from REMOTE CONTROL EXPLODING DEVICES and MOBILE CONTROLLED EXPLODING DEVICES as these waves will blocked by our protective system below threshold signal to noise ratio.
In the West, Tiger Eurocopter and strategic defence initiative buildings of US have been given high temperature non-oxidising electrically conductive semi conductor Sintered Europium, Terbium Doped Lanthanum Gallium Tantalate based serniconductor for protection against EMP exceeding 10
14 Joules. Single Crystal Thin Layer Sintered Europium, Terbium Doped Lanthanum Gallium Tantalate is the best semi conductor known, which can with stand temperature exceeding 2200 Deg. C without oxidation. The EMP when strikes this coating the energy is dissipated in the form of localised heat energy thus protecting all the semi conductor based electronic devices. Essentially we sacrifice the outer semi conducting layer to that of inner one. We are giving the same high temperature non-oxidising Single Crystal thin layer Sintered Europium Terbium Doped Lanthanum Galliurn Tantalate which is the standard material used in the West in the form of plaster/coating/bricks, sinthetic tiles etc..
The US strategic nuclear armed weapon is released from the bay of US most advanced EMP protected F-117A Nighthawk in the classic Hollywood block buster "BROKEN ARROW".